My App Das Beste des Tages. (The Best of Your Day.) helps to focus on the positive things on a daily basis. In the mornings you can reflect on what you're looking forward to today. In the evenings about what was your highlight during the day, what made you feel happy. My favorite feature is that you can treasure your chosen highlights, and that can serve as your feel good booster whenever you need one. I developed this app as my capstone project during the final four weeks of the neue fische Frontend Web Development Bootcamp in winter 2022. Please note: The design is optimized for mobile usage. Please switch your browser to responsive mode (iPhone SE/6/7/8).
This project was my first real frontend web app project, and as always there were some challenges to overcome. The biggest difficulty for me was creating the logic for the dynamic page routing to allow the user to navigate back and forth through the data and see their responses from the corresponding day. I was able to accomplish this together with my mentor, a senior programmer, in a pair programming session, which was a great experience to learn from. I also put a lot of thought into the design and user flow by creating low-key wireframes and a 'Look & Feel' moodboard, to have a clear vision of the app as it speeds up the programming process. I was grateful for the feedback on my user stories from my fellow students, which helped to improve a clear and simple user experience. I used Styled Components, because the structure of CSS-in-JS is much clearer and prevents overrides.
Here, too, I learned a lot, a lot, a lot. Apart from the technologies, one important thing I learned was that I shouldn't take too long to ask for help. It's definitely not that I'm afraid or too shy. It's more that I truely want to understand the problem and find a solution. Setting time limits during coding helped me to work independently and stay focused, avoiding frustration and wasted time. Also, I realized the importance of daily documentation of achievements to maintain motivation and focus on my progress rather than struggles.